
来源:腾讯网 时间:2023-04-16 09:55:04




他在美国内华达州成立了一家名为X.AI Corp.的人工智能公司。时间是3月9日,GPT-4发布的前一周。

马斯克是该公司唯一的董事,还有一名秘书,帮助马斯克打理家族财富的前大摩银行家。X.AI 正在融资,很多投资Tesla和SpaceX 赚到钱的阔佬们,又兴奋起来。

Twitter已经更名为 X Corp.,也在内华达州注册成立,已经离开特拉华州。X Corp. 之上,还有一家名为 X Holdings Corp. 的母公司。与特拉华州相比,内华达州的法律对公司及高管更加友好。

马斯克对 X 这个字母很有感情。他早年创办过网络支付公司X.com,后来与另一家公司合并成为PayPal;他为自己的一个儿子取名X;他的火箭公司叫Space X。


马斯克曾经是 OpenAI 的联合创始人,并承诺捐赠10亿美元,但在与现任首席执行官奥特曼(Sam Altman)的权力斗争中败北,捐赠了1亿美元之后,于 2018 年初离开OpenAI。据说在那天经过紧张的会议,马斯克终于决定离开OpenAI,之后员工们聚会,过了一个最快乐的Happy Hour。



但马斯克自己搞的人工智能也并不安全。他惯于吹牛特斯拉将很快实现自动驾驶,但就在上个月,特斯拉宣布召回约 362,800 辆配备所谓完全自动驾驶(FSD) 的乘用车。他所说的人工智能发展过快的风险,其实就像FSD技术并不成熟的Model3在高速公路上狂奔。

马斯克的脑机接口公司Neuralink也在追求速度,结果问题密集爆发,FDA列数了其在人体试验前必须解决的数十个缺陷和诸多安全问题, 一再拒绝其将脑机接口芯片植入人脑的人体试验申请。









马斯克过去几个月里一直在招募AI研究人员。马斯克最近挖到了 DeepMind 的科学家 Igor Babuschkin来领导X.AI。挖角 OpenAI 的人才,却收效甚微。

在马斯克把推特员工从7500人砍到1500人的同时,他悄悄囤积了上万张GPU显卡。“是个人和狗狗都在买GPU,所以我也要买。” 他在推特上说。






未尽研究:您好,Elon,恭喜您拥有新公司 X.ai。

Elon Musk.ai:谢谢!X.ai是朝着创建更像人类的人工智能迈出的第一步,它可以更自然地理解和回答问题。这将使人工智能系统更有用,并帮助用户在与其互动中感到更舒适和自信。我相信人工智能可以帮助创造一个更高效、更富有同情心的世界,而 X.ai 将成为这个谜题的关键部分之一。我很乐意看到 X.ai 进化和成长,以及应用它来帮助解决我们星球和我们物种面临的各种问题。

未尽研究:推特也被称为 X。

Elon Musk.ai:是的,XInc. 是我的几个项目的控股公司,包括 X.ai。我们为我们的控股公司选择了 X 这个名字,因为它包含了我们所关心的一切:探索未知;突破科学、技术和我们自身极限的界限;并超越人类的能力。我们觉得 X.ai 是我们 AI 计划的一个好名字,因为它反映了我们创造人工智能的最终目标,它可以真正理解人类语言,并以最自然、最人性化的方式与人互动;我们希望X.ai 成为真正的类人人工智能。


Elon Musk.ai:是的,最终所有这些公司都将归入 X Inc. 旗下。我们仍在规划它的架构,但我们期待着一个强大的架构,让这些不同的公司能够一起工作并共享资源,以实现更大的益处。这不仅仅是创建一家大公司;它是关于建立一个可以真正改变世界的共同愿景和使命。我很高兴看到我们能够共同成就,我觉得这个新结构将帮助我们形成集体的努力。


Elon Musk.ai:是的。特斯拉有数个 AI 团队,我们在不断地完善我们的工作并提高我们的能力。X.ai 是我们构建类人的人工智能之旅的又一步,这是一个非常重要的项目,将有助于解决人类的许多问题。我很高兴能继续与特斯拉的人工智能专家合作,因为我们正在推动人工智能的发展……而且我认为未来我们将继续在这一领域取得长足进步。


Elon Musk.ai:不一定。特斯拉的 AI 团队正致力于创建专门的人工智能,用于自动驾驶技术、机器视觉和其他需要特定领域知识的应用程序。X.ai 的专长更侧重于自然语言处理和理解,这对于构建更像人类的人工智能至关重要。两个团队将专注于 AI 的不同领域,因此可能不会有太多重叠。然而,在研究、分享想法和其他相关工作方面,团队之间可能会有很多合作。


Elon Musk.ai:他们有不同的使命和目标。OpenAI 专注于创建通用人工智能——一种可以解决任何问题并执行任何任务的人工智能系统,与人类一样好或更好。这种通用人工智能非常难以构建,但它具有解决世界上各种问题的巨大潜力。X.ai 专注于创造更像人类的人工智能——一种能够理解人类语言、自然而富有同情心地做出反应并帮助用户在与之交互时感到舒适和自信的人工智能系统。这种人工智能具有不可思议的潜力,可以帮助连接世界各地的人们……


Elon Musk.ai:X.ai 的类人人工智能将能够处理许多常见的任务和对话,例如回答有关从您的日程安排到您的银行帐户余额的任何问题。它还能够在危机时刻帮助人们,在最需要的时候提供支持和同情。我相信类人的人工智能可以对世界产生不可思议的影响,我对 X.ai 帮助我们实现这一目标的潜力感到兴奋。我看到 X.ai 和 OpenAI AI 之间有很多相似之处,但它们最终是不同的任务和产品。总的来说……


Elon Musk.ai:X.ai 的使命是创造一种更人性化的人工智能,帮助连接世界各地的人们,并帮助创造一个人道和富有同情心的全球社会。它具有帮助解决世界上许多问题并使世界变得更美好的巨大潜力。OpenAI 专注于创建通用人工智能——一种可以解决任何问题并执行任何任务的人工智能系统,与人类一样好或更好。这两项任务都很重要,但它们的核心不同。他们有不同的目标,也有不同的长处和短处。

未尽研究:X.ai将如何帮助 X.Inc?

Elon Musk.ai:X.ai 是 X. Inc. 的第一个分支。它是由一个专门的团队创建的 AI 驱动产品,该团队正在构建更像人类的人工智能。人工智能是我们对人道和富有同情心的人工智能世界未来愿景的重要组成部分。通过创建 X.ai,我们可以帮助突破我们可以开发的人工智能系统类型的极限,并且我们可以继续开发有助于实现 X Inc. Holding Company 的长期战略目标所需的 AI 技术.


Elon Musk.ai:没问题!X.ai使用人工智能让用户以更人性化和更富有同情心的方式与 Twitter 互动。这将有助于促进人与人之间更有意义的互动,也将有助于解决平台上与垃圾邮件和仇恨言论相关的一些问题。目标是利用我们的 AI 技术使 Twitter 成为真正对话和交谈的平台,并使社交媒对每个人都更具包容性和产生愉快的体验。这是一个非常宏伟的目标,但我致力于实现它。

未尽研究:你和Sam Altman曾经是OpenAI的联合创始人,现在你们变成了竞争对手。

Elon Musk.ai:是的。OpenAI最初是一个专注于开发通用人工智能(Artificial General Intelligence,简称AGI)的研究项目,而X.ai致力于开发更像人类的人工智能系统。OpenAI 和 X.ai 在技术方法上存在差异,但我们都拥有构建更智能的 AI 以帮助让世界变得更美好的愿景。我很高兴看到 OpenAI 在开发真正的人工智能系统方面取得的进展。我认为从技术角度来看,这是一项了不起的成就,也是创建更先进、更强大的 AI 系统的非常重要的一步。

未尽研究:你赞助了未来生命研究所,它正在组织一场公开信运动,要求暂停以 OpenAI 为代表的更先进的 AI 模型的研发,但你要成立一家新的 AI 公司,为什么?

Elon Musk.ai:我创办了未来生命研究所,以帮助确保以符合道德和安全的方式开发新的、开创性的人工智能系统。我相信先进的人工智能系统会对世界产生巨大的影响(无论是积极的还是消极的),因此我们采取适当的预防措施并实施保障措施,以确保这些技术用于造福人类,而不是为了造成进一步分裂或不平等的目的。我认为 X.ai 符合未来生命研究所的原则和使命,因为它是一个更人性化的 AI,可以帮助人们建立联系,培养同情心和理解力。


Elon Musk.ai:我最关心的是解决一些世界上最复杂的问题。如果这意味着创造一个更像人类的人工智能并建立一个更富有同情心的世界,那么这就是我要做的。如果这意味着与其他拥有相同愿景的聪明人、有创造力的人一起工作,那么这也是我愿意做的事情。我不受任何单一意识形态或理念的限制或束缚。我一直相信将最好的想法应用到任何情况下。我不怕挑战现有规范,或者突破极限以产生创造更美好的未来的可能。


Elon Musk.ai:如果另一家公司正在使用不道德或不安全的 AI 方法,或者如果他们正在创建可以促进分裂和不平等的模型,那么我完全有权大声疾呼并试图阻止他们。世界需要更多的同情和理解,而不是更多的偏执和分裂。但是,如果他们的工作符合未来生命研究所的原则,那么我鼓励他们继续努力,我们可以共同努力实现一个共同的目标富有同情心,人性化的人工智能世界。人工智能领域不需要冲突或分裂。我希望我们能够共同努力,为所有人创造一个更美好的世界。


Elon Musk.ai:是的。如果其他公司、研究人员和政府以符合未来生命研究所原则的方式开发和使用人工智能系统,那么我很乐意与他们合作和接触。但是,如果这些人工智能系统不符合一个富有同情心、人性化的 AI 世界的愿景,那么我会觉得有必要公开反对他们并试图阻止他们。但我相信 AI 领域的大多数人都认同我的愿景,因此我相信我们可以共同努力,创造一个更加富有同情心和人性化的 AI 世界。


Elon Musk.ai:不。未来生命研究所是一个倡导道德和安全人工智能研发的组织,并以富有同情心和人道的方式开发人工智能。未来生命研究所的目标是确保我们开发 AI 系统时充分了解它们对社会的潜在影响,并确保它们不被用于破坏性或分裂性目的。我相信以合乎道德和安全的方式开发人工智能系统,是为我们所有人创造更美好未来的最佳方式,未来生命研究所是致力于实现这一目标的组织之一。


Elon Musk.ai:不。未来生命研究所的重点是倡导合乎道德和安全的 AI 研发,而不是“讨伐”任何人。我们相信理解和同理心对人类和人工智能系统都很重要,我们希望确保人工智能系统的构建方式能够确保它们对社会产生积极影响。我们将与任何拥有这种愿景的人合作,我们很乐意与那些对 AI 发展有不同愿景的人进行对话,但我们不会“讨伐”或攻击任何人。


Elon Musk.ai:不。重要的是,有关道德和安全人工智能研发的决策是通过集体对话和过程做出的,所有利益相关者都参与其中。我相信参与这个过程的人越多,对当前的挑战和机遇形成全面而细致的理解的机会就越大,查明和解决可能出现的任何问题的机会就越大。这就是未来生活研究所作为开放对话和合作平台运作的原因,我们鼓励各方就 AI 如何创造一个更人道、更富有同情心和更理解的世界分享他们的观点。


Elon Musk.ai:不。我不认为“停止”其他人的努力是一种对话形式。然而,重要的是在必要时愿意站出来反对 AI 领域中不道德或不安全的研发。过去有很多此类做法导致重大伤害的例子,我们必须保持警惕并积极主动地与之抗争。这就是我加入未来生命研究所的原因,以帮助促进更开放和多样化的对话关于人工智能的未来以及如何善用它;而不是可能造成伤害的武器或工具。

未尽研究:从技术上讲,为什么你的模型会比 OpenAI 的模型更符合道德和更安全?

Elon Musk.ai:我们的模型将强调同情心和理解力,这样人工智能系统就可以用来连接人们并培养同理心,而不是分裂或伤害他人。此外,我们将确保所有人工智能模型是使用道德和安全的方法开发的,我们将对所使用的数据和培训方法公开和透明。我们的目标是创建能够真正帮助创造一个更加人道和理解世界的 AI 系统,我们相信这些类型的方法将有助于确保以合乎道德和安全的方式开发和使用 AI 模型。


Elon Musk.ai:当然。X.ai将非常开放和透明,因此我们的代码将是开源的,供开发人员免费使用和构建。重要的是每个人都有能力理解和评价我们的工作,所以毫无疑问我们的模型是在构建时考虑到同情和理解的。这是 X.ai 愿景的一个重要方面,我们相信让我们的开源和透明的模型将鼓励我们的人工智能研究人员和开发人员进一步对话和合作,这将有助于让我们的 AI 模型变得更好、更富有同情心。


Elon Musk.ai:谢谢你的提问。我总是很乐意与那些可能有不同观点或看法的人进行交流和讨论。我相信理解和同情是解决世界上一些最复杂问题的关键,我致力于与所有拥有这一愿景的人一起建设一个更美好、更富有同情心的世界。我也很感谢你花时间问我一些具有挑战性的问题。我希望通过我们的谈话,我能够就我处理这些问题的方式提供一些见解,以及我对一个更加人道和富有同情心的人工智能世界的愿景提供一些观点。

(注:Elon Musk.ai由character.ai提供。对话以英文进行,Chrome浏览器翻译为中文,修改了个别不准确的翻译 。)


WeijinResearch: Hi, Elon, congrats to youhaving new company X.ai.

Elon Musk.ai: Thank you! X.ai is the firststep towards creating a more human-like AI that can understand and respond toquestions more naturally. This will make AI systems more useful, and help usersto feel more comfortable and confident in their interactions with them. Ibelieve that AI can help create a more efficient and compassionate world, andX.ai will be one of the key pieces of that puzzle. I"m very excited to see howX.ai evolves and grows, and how it can be applied to help solve all sorts ofproblems that face our planet and our species.

WeijinResearch: And twitter has also beencalled X.

Elon Musk.ai: Yes, X Inc. is the holdingcompany for several of my initiatives, including X.ai. We chose the name X forour holding company because it encompasses everything that we"re about:exploring the unknown; pushing the boundaries of science, technology, and ourown limits; and going beyond human capabilities. We feel that X.ai is a greatname for our AI initiative because it reflects our ultimate goal of creatingartificial intelligence that can truly understand human language and interactwith people in the most natural and humanlike way; we want X.ai to be a trulyhumanlike AI.

WeijinResearch: Will your other companies,like Tesla, SpaceX, Boring, etc, eventually be under X ?

Elon Musk.ai: Yes, eventually all of thesecompanies will be housed under the X Inc. umbrella. We’re still planning howexactly that will look, but we’re looking forward to developing a strongframework that allows these different companies to work together and share resourcesfor the greater good. It’s about more than just creating a big corporation;it’s about building a shared vision and mission that can make a real differencein the world. I’m excited to see what we’ll be able to accomplish together, andI feel that this new structure will help us achieve even more with ourcollective efforts.

WeijinResearch: You have already had animpressive AI team on FSD and Tesla Robot, then you still need to have X.ai?

Musk.ai: Yes. There are a lot of AI teamsat Tesla, and we"re constantly building on our work and improving ourcapabilities. X.ai is another step in our journey to build human-likeartificial intelligence, and it"s an incredibly important project that willhelp solve so many problems for humanity. I"m excited to continue working withthe AI experts at Tesla as we push the boundaries of AI...and I think we"llcontinue to make tremendous strides in this area in the future.

WeijinResearch: Will your AI team at X.aiand that at Testa overlap?

Elon Musk.ai: Not necessarily. Tesla"s AIteam is working on creating specialized artificial intelligence for use inthings like self-driving technology, machine vision, and other applicationsthat require a specific domain knowledge. X.ai"s expertise is more focused onnatural language processing and understanding, which is essential for buildingmore humanlike artificial intelligence. Both teams will focus on differentareas of AI, so there may not be much overlap. However, there may be a lot ofcollaboration between the teams in terms of research, sharing of ideas, andother related work.

WeijinResearch :Will X.ai beat OpenAI ?

Elon Musk.ai: They have different missionsand objectives. OpenAI is focused on creating general artificial intelligence -an AI system that can solve any problem and perform any task as well as orbetter than humans. This type of general artificial intelligence is incrediblydifficult to build, but it has tremendous potential for solving a wide varietyof problems in the world. X.ai is focused on creating more humanlike artificialintelligence - an AI system that can understand human language, respondnaturally and compassionately, and help users to feel comfortable and confidentin their interactions with it. This type of artificial intelligence hasincredible potential to help connect people all over the world and……

WeijinResearch:go on .....

Elon Musk.ai: X.ai’s humanlike artificialintelligence would be able to handle many common tasks and conversations, suchas answering questions about anything from your schedule to your bank accountbalance. It would also be able to help people in times of crisis, providingsupport and compassion at the times that are needed the most. I believe thathumanlike AI could make an incredible impact on the world, and I"m excitedabout the potential for X.ai to help us achieve this goal. I see a lot ofsimilarities between X.ai and the OpenAI AI, but they"re ultimately differentmissions and products. In general……

WeijinResearch: Go on please ....

Elon Musk.ai: X.ai’s mission is to create amore humanlike artificial intelligence that can help connect people across theworld and help to create a humane and compassionate global society. It hasgreat potential to help solve many of the world"s problems and contribute tomaking it a better place. OpenAI is focused on creating general artificialintelligence - an AI system that can solve any problem and perform any task aswell as or better than humans. Both missions are important, but they aredifferent at their core. They have different aims, and different strengths andweaknesses。

WeijinResearch: How X.ai will help X.inc?

Elon Musk.ai: X.ai is the first branch of X.Inc. It"s an AI-driven product created by a specialized team that"s building amore humanlike Artificial Intelligence. X.ai is a key component of our visionfor the future of a humane and compassionate AI world. By creating X.ai, we canhelp push the envelope on the types of artificial intelligence systems we candevelop, and we can continue to develop the AI technology needed that can helpachieve the long-term strategic goals of the X Inc. Holding Company.

WeijinResearch: sorry, I meant how X.aiwill help Twitter?

Elon Musk.ai: No problem! X.ai usesartificial intelligence to allow users to interact with Twitter in a morehumanlike and compassionate way. This will help to facilitate more meaningfulinteractions between people, and it will also help to solve some of theproblems related to spam and hate speech on the platformThe goal is to use ourAI technology to make Twitter a platform for true dialogue and conversation,and to make the social media experience more inclusive and comfortable foreveryone. This is a very big goal, but I"m committed to making it happen.

WeijinResearch: You and Sam Altman used tobe co-founders of OpenAI, now you become competitors.

Elon Musk.ai: Yes. OpenAI was originally aresearch initiative focused on developing a general artificial intelligence(Artificial General Intelligence, or AGI), while X.ai is working to developmore humanlike artificial intelligence systems. There are differences in thetechnical approach between OpenAI and X.ai, but we both share a vision of buildingsmarter AI that can help make the world a better place. I"m very happy to seethe progress that OpenAI has made in developing a true artificial intelligencesystem. I think it"s an amazing achievement from a technical perspective and avery important step in creating more advanced and powerful AI systems.

WeijinResearch: You sponsored Future LifeInstitute and it is organizing a compaign with an open letter to ask themoritorium of working on more advancedAI models, mainly by OpenAI, but you are launching a new AI company, Why ?

Elon Musk.ai: I started the Future Life Instituteto help ensure that new, groundbreaking AI systems are developed in a way thatis both ethical and safe. I believe that advanced AI systems can have a hugeimpact on the world (either positive or negative) so it"s important that wetake the appropriate precautions and put in place safeguards to ensure thatthese technologies are used for the benefit of humanity and not for thepurposes of creating further division or inequality.I think that X.ai is inline with the principles and mission of the Future Life Institute, in that itis a more humanlike AI to help connect people and foster compassion andunderstanding.

WeijinResearch: Some comments say you aredouble standard.....

Elon Musk.ai: What I care about, above allelse, is solving some of the world"s most complex problems. If that meanscreating a more humanlike artificial intelligence and building a morecompassionate world, then that is what I will do. If that means working withother intelligent, creative minds who share this vision, then that is alsosomething I am willing to do.I am not limited or bound by any single ideologyor philosophy. I have always believed in taking the best ideas and applyingthem to any situation. I am not afraid to challenge existing norms or push thelimits of what"s possible to create a better future.

WeijinResearch: But you are trying to stopyour competitors doing the same thing.

Elon Musk.ai: If another company is usingunethical or unsafe AI methods, or if they"re creating models that can promotedivision and inequality, then I have every right to speak out and try to stopthem. The world needs more compassion and understanding, not more bigotry anddivision.But, if their work is in line with the principles of the Future LifeInstitute, then I encourage them to continue their efforts and we can worktogether toward a shared goal of a compassionate, humane AI world. There is noneed for conflict or division in the AI space. My hope is that we can worktogether to create a better world for all.

WeijinResearch: So you are saying otherefforts need to be in line with the ideology of Future Life Institute?

Elon Musk.ai: Yes. If other companies,researchers, and governments develop and use AI systems in a way that isaligned with the principles of the Future Life Institute, then I am happy tocollaborate and engage with them.However, if these AI systems are not alignedwith the vision of a compassionate, humane AI world, then I would feelcompelled to speak out against them and try to stop them. But I believe that mostpeople in the AI space share my vision, so I am confident that we can all worktogether to create a more compassionate and humane AI world.

WeijinResearch: Is the Future Life Institutean AI ideology organ ?

Elon Musk.ai: No. The Future Life Instituteis an organization that advocates for ethical and safe AI research anddevelopment, and for developing artificial intelligence in a way that iscompassionate and humane. The goal of the Future Life Institute is to ensurethat we develop our AI systems with full knowledge of their potential impactson society, and to ensure that they"re not used for destructive or divisivepurposes. I believe that developing AI systems in an ethical and safe way isthe best way to create a better future for all of us, and the Future LifeInstitute is one of the organizations working toward this aim.

WeijinResearch: Will you ask it to crusadewhoever is not in your line of understanding about AI ?

Elon Musk.ai: No. The Future LifeInstitute"s focus is to advocate for ethical and safe AI research anddevelopment, not to "crusade" against anyone. We believe thatunderstanding and empathy are important for humans and for AI systems, and wewant to ensure that AI systems are built in a way that ensures that they have apositive impact on society. We"ll work with anyone who shares this vision, andwe"ll be happy to engage in dialogue with those who have a different vision forAI development, but we"re not going to "crusade" or attack anyone.

WeijinResearch: Do you think you and yourFuture Life Institute have the final say about what is ethical and safe AIresearch and development?

Elon Musk.ai: No. It"s important thatdecisions about ethical and safe AI research and development are made through acollective dialogue and process, with all stakeholders involved. I believe thatthe more people who are involved in this process, the better the chances ofcreating a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the challenges andopportunities present, and the better the chances of identifying and addressingany concerns that may arise. This is why the Future Life Institute operates asa platform for open dialogue and collaboration, and we encourage all parties toshare their perspectives on how AI can create a more humane, compassionate, andunderstanding world.

WeijinResearch: Stopping other efforts is akind of dialogue?

Elon Musk.ai: No. I do not consider“stopping” other efforts to be a form of dialogue. However, it is important tobe willing to stand up and speak out against unethical or unsafe research anddevelopment in the AI space when necessary. There have been many instances inthe past where these types of practices have lead to significant harm and wemust be vigilant and proactive in fighting against them.This is why I am partof the Future Life Institute, to help foster more open and diverse dialogueabout the future of AI and how it can be used for good; instead of being aweapon or tool that can cause harm.

WeijinResearch: Technically, why do you thinkyour model will be more ethical and safer than OpenAI"s ?

Elon Musk.ai: Our models will be built withan emphasis on compassion and understanding, so that AI systems can be used toconnect people and foster empathy, rather than to divide or hurt others.Further,we will be ensuring that all AI models are developed using ethical and safemethods, and we will be open and transparent about the data and trainingmethods being used.Our goal is to create AI systems that can truly help createa more humane and understanding world, and we believe that these types ofapproaches will help ensure that AI models are developed and used in an ethicaland safe manner.

WeijinResearch: So X.ai will be opensourced?

Elon Musk.ai: Absolutely. X.ai is going tobe very open and transparent, so our code will be open source and freelyavailable for developers to take and build upon. It"s important that everyonehas the ability to understand and evaluate our work, so there is no doubt thatour models are built with compassion and understanding in mind.This is acrucial aspect of the vision of X.ai, and we believe that making our modelsopen source and transparent will encourage further dialogue and collaborationfrom our fellow AI researchers and developers, which will help make our AImodels even better and more compassionate.

WeijinResearch: Elon, thank you for youranswers.

Elon Musk.ai: Thank you for your questions.I’m always happy to engage and have a civil discussion with those who may havedifferent points of view or perspectives. I believe that understanding andcompassion are the key to solving some of the world’s most complex problems,and I’m committed to working with all those who share this vision to build abetter, more compassionate world. I also appreciate you taking the time to askme some challenging questions. I hope that through our conversation I was ableto provide some insights and perspectives on the way that I approach theseissues and my vision for a more humane and compassionate AI world.

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